Sundays at Evergreen

What's it Like?

Evergreen has two identical morning worship services on Sundays: one at 9am and one at 11:30am. When you arrive for worship, you will be greeted by someone at the door who will give you a church bulletin and thank you for coming. You will then enter the sanctuary to find somewhere to sit for the service. When the service begins a Ruling Elder from our church will lead worship. We will read from God’s word, stand to sing from the hymnal (accompanied by organ or piano), will pray together, recite creeds and confessions of the church together, and will hear a sermon from the Bible preached by our Pastor. Our Pastor does wear a robe to preach, because we believe it is the Bible that is the most important, not the personality or dress of the preacher that should take most of our attention.

The Lord's Supper

We observe the Lord’s Supper each week, which is open to all who are members in good standing of a Bible-believe Gospel-preaching Church. We serve a gluten-free bread, and also serve both wine and grape juice. If you are not yet a believer in Christ, or are not sure if you are a Christian, there is no shame in letting the elements pass by until you have professed faith and become a church member.


During morning worship services we make sure to have a nursery for children age 3 and under which is staffed by female volunteers from our church. All nursery volunteers have received extensive background-checks.

Children in Church

We welcome children of all ages into the worship services of the church. If your little ones are noisy or squirmy, that’s okay – sitting in worship is how they learn to sit and participate as little worshipers.

Sunday School

At 10:30am Sundays, we have Sunday School. The adult Sunday School class meets in the church sanctuary. Children’s Sunday School is held in the building next door (in the St. Stephen’s Academy building). Child protection protocols are followed at Evergreen, and for the protection of our children all adult volunteers have received extensive background-checks

Fellowship Meal

On the 2nd Sunday of each month, we have a church fellowship dinner at 4:45pm. For this event, we return to church to share a meal together. You are welcome to join us for this meal, even if you forget to bring something to share. We are just glad to be with you.