Main Point: The Gospel was promised before the coming of Christ, and centers around God’s son, who is the source of all the grace that God’s people enjoy. Outline: 1.…
Main Point: The author of the letter to the Romans was a devoted Hebrew whose life was changed when Jesus called him to be his slave whose whole life meant…
Main Point: The people of God have comprehensive reasons for hope since their Lord is the sovereignty and patient Lord of Life. Outline: 1. A God of Life 2. A…
Main Point: Even the darkest events of human history are at the command of our God, who works for his purposes and moves all things toward His desired end. Outline:…
Main Point: God encourages his people, not by hiding the truth about the universe and spiritual warfare from them, but by pulling back the curtain and showing them the truth.…
Main Point: Daniel’s vision anticipated the Lord Jesus who would be anointed to make atonement for sin, bringing an end to the need for continued sacrifices. Outline: 1. Upheld by…
Main Point: Apocalyptic visions are not primarily given so that we will have a paranoid anticipation that the end is moments away, but to prepare us to live with confidence…
Main Point: Jesus Christ has absolute dominion, power, and glory. Outline: 1. The Four Beasts (7:1-8) 2. The Authority of the Son of Man (7:9-14) 3. The Triumph over the…
Main Point: Living faithfully in a place that is not our true home means living prayerfully and trusting in the God who saves. Outline: 1. Life on the Outside (6:1-9)…
Main Point: The life of an exile means that God’s people are distinct from those they live among, while also seeking the good of the place in which they live.…