Church Life

There are many ways that we can bless one another face-to-face. Here are just some examples:


Sunday School

We offer Sunday School classes for all ages at 11:30am. 

We offer Sunday School for all ages following morning worship each Lord’s Day, though we do normally take a break during Christmas break and during the summer once school is out. The Sunday School program is broken by age groups:

  • Nursery
  • Children (Pre-K through 2nd Grades)
  • Intermediate (3rd through 5th Grades)
  • Youth (6th through 12th Grades)
  • Adults

We teach our children and youth using material from One Story Ministries. You can learn more about their curriculum.

More Sundays School Information.

Wednesday Bible Study

On Wednesday mornings at 10:30 am we gather in the church sanctuary for a study in God’s Word.  Everyone is welcome. 


Youth Group

Every month or two the youth (6th-12th grades) gather for a time in God’s Word, fellowship, and fun.  Contact the church office for more details.

Saturday Men’s Bible Study

Our men’s study meets on Saturday mornings at 7:30-9:00am and is currently going through the letters of John. 


Women's Zoom

Our Women’s Book Club meets Monday mornings at 10:30 am via Zoom.  

The Zoom Book Club will be reading The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes. The Bruised Reed is a classic work of Puritan theology, first published in 1630. It is a devotional work that focuses on the comfort and assurance of salvation found in Jesus Christ.

Women's Bible Study

The Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening Bible Studies are finished for this season. Both will begin again in September of 2025.