There are many ways that we can bless one another face-to-face. Here are just some examples:

Sunday School
We offer Sunday School classes for all ages at 11:30am.
We offer Sunday School for all ages following morning worship each Lord’s Day, though we do normally take a break during Christmas break and during the summer once school is out. The Sunday School program is broken by age groups:
- Nursery
- Children (Pre-K through 2nd Grades)
- Intermediate (3rd through 5th Grades)
- Youth (6th through 12th Grades)
- Adults
We teach our children and youth using material from One Story Ministries. You can learn more about their curriculum.
Wednesday Bible Study
On Wednesday mornings at 10:30 am we gather in the church sanctuary for a study in God’s Word. Everyone is welcome.

Youth Group
Every month or two the youth (6th-12th grades) gather for a time in God’s Word, fellowship, and fun. Contact the church office for more details.
Saturday Men’s Bible Study
Our men’s study meets on Saturday mornings at 7:30-9:00am and is currently going through the letters of John.

Women's Zoom
Our Women’s Book Club meets Monday mornings at 10:30 am via Zoom.
Women's Bible Study
The Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening Bible Studies are finished for this season. Both will begin again in September of 2025.