Main Point: God’s judgment rests against any and all who refuse to repent and believe the gospel of Christ. Outline: 1. Woe for Cities 2. Woe for Accountability 3. Woe…
Early Church Fathers did not hold to the Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation. Instead, they saw the Lord's Supper as signifying and sealing the benefits of Christ, but denied that…
Main Point: Even as John the Baptist seemingly struggled to understand Jesus’ status as Messiah, Jesus had no doubt that John the Baptist was ‘Elijah’ foretold in Malachi 3. Outline:…
Around the time that Christianity becomes the state religion in the Roman Empire, we begin to see unhealthy innovations developing in the "middle-aged" church. These included a deeply elaborate series…
Main Point: Christians should never be fearful or pessimistic about the progress of the gospel or the experiences that they go through because God is always at work showing mercy…
What is the earliest evidence outside of the New Testament for what worship in the early church was really like? What would it have looked like to attend early worship…
Main Point: Jesus prepares his people to love him above all others, even at the cost of family, suffering, and death. Outline: 1. The Purpose of Jesus (10:34-36) 2. The…
Main Point: Jesus gives his people at least three reasons that Christians should never fear those who might persecute them. Outline: All Will Be Revealed (10:26-27) All Will Be…