Main Point: Jesus wants his disciples to know that persecution will come to them, but that when it does, they are not intended to respond in kind but with trust…
Main Point: The Lord’s Supper is a meal of spiritual nourishment for those who gather under the preaching of the word, belong to the visible church of Christ, and have…
Sermon Outline Main Point: Jesus Christ instituted the Lord’s Supper as a means of remembrance of his sacrifice, as a seal of the benefits of Christ for true believers, and…
Main Point: The sign of the covenant of grace has belonged to believers and their children from the time of Abraham and into the time of the New Testament church.…
Main Point: Baptism was instituted by Jesus as a sign and seal of ingrafting into Christ, washing from sin, admission to Christ’s church, and membership in the covenant of grace.…
Main Point: A sacrament is a sign and seal of a holy thing given by God so that believers might understand and be assured of God’s promises and benefits in…