Sermon Outline Main Point: God has enemies who fear His rule over them. Outline: 1. Demons are Real (8:28-29) 2. Demons are Creatures (8:31-32) 3. Demons are Defeated (8:33-34)
Sermon Outline Main Point: Jesus Christ always has his people in his care, whether we are aware of it or not. Outline: 1. The Coming Storm (8:23-24) 2. The Cry…
Sermon Outline Main Point: “When Jesus bids us come, he bids us come and die.” (Bonhoeffer) Outline: 1. Denying Autonomy (8:18-19) 2. Denying Security (8:20) 3. Denying Delay (8:21-22)
Sermon Outline Main Point: The Lord Jesus, in his ministry to people, addressed not only physical issues, but also spiritual issues. Outline: 1. Ministry to the Body 2. Ministry to…
Sermon Outline Main Point: The Lord Jesus descends from the mountain to show mercy to an outcast man of Israel, bringing life from death, and affirming the ongoing goodness of…
Sermon Outline Main Point: Jesus challenges his listeners to build their life and practice upon the foundation of him and his teaching, and not to merely talk about Jesus and…
Sermon Outline Main Point: The narrow path of following Christ comes with hazards and even the possibility of self-deception. Outline: 1. The Narrow Way (7:13-14) 2. The Fruits (7:15-20) 3.…
Sermon Outline Main Point: All of Scripture teaches us that we should judge fairly and not hypocritically when we deal with each other. Outline: 1. Judgment 2. Pearls 3. The…