Main Point: God loves and cares for his church, providing all that we need in Christ. Outline: 1. God’s Vineyard 2. God’s Enemies 3. God’s Response a. Judgment (“he will…destroy…

The Two Sons

March 24, 2024
Main Point: The difference between the lost and those who know Christ is not a gleaming record of good deeds, but a heart of repentance. Outline: 1. The “Bad” Son…

By What Authority

March 17, 2024
Main Point: Jesus speaks with divine authority. Outline: 1. Christ’s Confrontation 2. Christ’s Enemies a. Deliberate (v. 25-26) b. Afraid (v. 26) c. Dishonest (v. 27) 3. Christ’s Answer a.…

The Cursed Tree

March 10, 2024
Main Point: Jesus is the perfect and complete Israel, the fruitful temple, and the fig tree that is always in bloom. Outline: 1. The Fruitless Tree 2. The Fruitless Temple

Humble Triumph

March 3, 2024
Main Point: Jesus is the expected – but also unexpected – King of Israel. Outline: 1. Jesus is Self-Aware 2. Jesus is Humble 3. Jesus is King

The Sight of the Blind

February 25, 2024
Main Point: Christians should see the blind men as an example of faith: trusting in the Savior that we cannot see, daily crying out to him for mercy. Outline: 1.…

The Unfairness of Grace

February 11, 2024
Main Point: God, by his grace, treats all who come to him equally – whether they are great sinners, or those who have kept their noses clean. Outline: 1. Grace…

Great Possessions

February 4, 2024
Main Point: Only by the power of God can anybody – rich or poor – receive eternal life. Outline: 1. The Danger 2. The Warning 3. The Hope