God, by His grace, has equiped each of us with talents with which we can serve others, whether that’s in the church, in our communities, or throughout the world. We would like to invite you to join together with us in serving one another in deeds of mercy and love.
Serve in the Church
- Nursery Caregiver
- Children’s Sunday School
- Coffee Server
- Greeter
- Kitchen Worker
Media Ministries
- Audio Technician
- Sermon Online Uploads
- Website Maintenance
- Volunteer Photographer

- Musicians
- Communion Preparation
Practical Help
- Handyman Projects
- Ground Maintenance
Please contact the church office if you are interested in helping in any of these areas.
Serve in the World
Our Mission’s Committee organizes short term missions trips as well as providing support to the Missionary Teams that we sponsor. To learn more, contact Mike Barnes.