Do You Have Troubles?

August 20, 2023
Sermon Notes What and why of our troubles and fears. How to deal with our troubles and fears. 1. Pray the name of the Lord (34:1-3).2. Desperate faith (34:4, 6,…

True Defilement

August 13, 2023
Main Point: God calls us to obedience to His word from the heart, not to externally keeping the traditions of men. Outline: 1. External Tradition (15:1-9) 2. Internal Purity (15:10-20)
Main Point: Give praise to the Lord. The Lord has lifted up a fallen people to His glory and praise.   Outline: 1. The summons to praise the Lord 113:1-3…

Jesus Walks

July 23, 2023
Main point: Because of who Christ is, his people never have to be afraid. Outline: 1. The Temptation Killer 2. The Sea Walker 3. The Fear Stealer

Twelve Baskets

July 16, 2023
Main Point: Jesus Christ is the deliverer and provider of God’s people. Outline: 1. The Feeding 2. The Feedback 3. The Facts
Main point: John the Baptist models the freedom of the person who fears God, while Herod Antipas models the imprisonment that comes with fearing man. Outline: 1. Herod’s Confusion (v.…
Sermon Notes Main point: Central to Jesus’ mission was not only his message, but also his person. Outline: 1. Teaching That Astonishes 2. A Person That Offends
Main point: The kingdom of God is under assault, but is precious beyond measure. Outline: 1. The Assaulted Kingdom (31-35) 2. The Precious Kingdom (44-52)
Main point: Live anticipating the Lord’s return. Respond to the Lord’s patience in repentance. Outline: Welcome the Reminders (3:1-2)  Challenge the Scoffers (3:3-7)  Expect Christ’s Return (3:8-13)
Main Point: This side of the judgment, the church will be a mixture of believers and unbelievers. Outline: 1. The Work of the Farmer 2. The Work of the Enemy…