Sermon Notes What and why of our troubles and fears. How to deal with our troubles and fears. 1. Pray the name of the Lord (34:1-3).2. Desperate faith (34:4, 6,…
Main Point: God calls us to obedience to His word from the heart, not to externally keeping the traditions of men. Outline: 1. External Tradition (15:1-9) 2. Internal Purity (15:10-20)
Main Point: Give praise to the Lord. The Lord has lifted up a fallen people to His glory and praise. Outline: 1. The summons to praise the Lord 113:1-3…
Main point: Because of who Christ is, his people never have to be afraid. Outline: 1. The Temptation Killer 2. The Sea Walker 3. The Fear Stealer
Main Point: Jesus Christ is the deliverer and provider of God’s people. Outline: 1. The Feeding 2. The Feedback 3. The Facts
Main point: John the Baptist models the freedom of the person who fears God, while Herod Antipas models the imprisonment that comes with fearing man. Outline: 1. Herod’s Confusion (v.…
Sermon Notes Main point: Central to Jesus’ mission was not only his message, but also his person. Outline: 1. Teaching That Astonishes 2. A Person That Offends
Main point: The kingdom of God is under assault, but is precious beyond measure. Outline: 1. The Assaulted Kingdom (31-35) 2. The Precious Kingdom (44-52)
Main point: Live anticipating the Lord’s return. Respond to the Lord’s patience in repentance. Outline: Welcome the Reminders (3:1-2) Challenge the Scoffers (3:3-7) Expect Christ’s Return (3:8-13)
Main Point: This side of the judgment, the church will be a mixture of believers and unbelievers. Outline: 1. The Work of the Farmer 2. The Work of the Enemy…