Eastern Orthodoxy
1 - Beginner
A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Eastern Orthodox Theology: An Evangelical Perspective
Panagiotis Kantartzis
Eastern Orthodoxy is not well understood by most evangelicals. Because of this, many are wooed by the arguments that it represents the most ancient form of the Christian faith that there is. A study of the church (and especially its attitudes toward worship and icons) before the fourth century shows that this is certainly not the case, but it hasn’t stopped many evangelicals from being persuaded that Orthodoxy is for them. Because of this, evangelicals need to understand Orthodoxy better. Kantartzis’ brief book does a great job of acclimating an outsider to the ideas of Orthodoxy.
2 - Intermediate
Through Western Eyes: Eastern Orthodoxy – A Reformed Perspective
Robert Letham
Robert Letham’s book gives a helpful perspective on Eastern Orthodoxy in this book. Not so much polemical as seeking to understand, Letham’s book is a solid introduction to Eastern Orthodoxy that is longer and a bit deeper than Kantaritzis’ book above.
2 - Intermediate
Disillusioned: Why I Left the Eastern Orthodox Priesthood and Church
Joshua Schooping
While Letham’s book seeks to come in from the outside and offer a critical appreciation of Orthodoxy, Schooping’s book is written by a former insider, and as someone who was an Orthodox priest before leaving Orthodoxy for evangelicalism. Schooping’s book is autobiographical but also polemical at times.