
1 - Beginner

Honest Evangelism

image/svg+xml writer Rico Tice

What makes this book so helpful is the transparent way that Rico Tice admits that most Christians do feel an inner resistance to evangelizing others. Our church has been giving out copies of this book to church members, and I can say that anecdotally it seems to have spurred evangelistic efforts among our people!

1 - Beginner

The Gospel and Personal Evangelism

image/svg+xml writer Mark Dever

Mark Dever’s book on personal evangelism helps the reader to remember what our priorities ought to be when we go to share the gospel. What is it that we must say to make sure the person has really heard the gospel? How can we speak to someone we barely know about something as important as Jesus? Dever gives a powerful and mature encouragement that we ought to making it a habit to share Jesus.

1 - Beginner

Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus

image/svg+xml writer J. Mack Stiles

While the previous two books here were books focused on personal evangelism, Stiles in this book gives an encouragement for churches especially to be forming an intentionally evangelistic culture, starting with the leaders, on down to those in the pews. I appreciate that Stiles is convinced that “programs” and “event-driven” approaches to evangelism are a waste of time and money that mostly make members feel like the church is doing something. Instead, Stiles says, we need to be churches that ooze the great commission and that live in active obedience to it.

2 - Intermediate

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

image/svg+xml writer J.I. Packer

Many in the church who have heard the biblical teachings on God’s sovereignty might be tempted to inaction when it comes to evangelism. J.I. Packer helps the reader to see why this isn’t the case and why, in fact, it is the sovereignty of God that motivates our evangelism!

3 - Advanced

Evangelism in the Early Church: Lessons from the First Christians to the Church Today

image/svg+xml writer Michael Green

Michael Green’s history of evangelism in the early church is a classic work that shows just how it is that in such a hostile culture as the Roman empire the earliest Christians were ready and eager to personally share the gospel with others. If you love history, this is for you. If you love evangelism, this is for you. If you don’t love evangelism yet… this is definitely for you.

3 - Advanced

Compel them to Come In: Calvinism and the Free Offer of the Gospel

image/svg+xml writer Donald Macleod

This book is Donald Macleod’s answer to the question, “How can we freely offer the gospel to anyone we meet if we aren’t sure that they’ve been chosen for eternal life?” A companion volume (in a sense) to Packer’s book, Donald Macleod readily dispenses with the idea that God’s election and the free offer of the gospel are somehow in conflict.