Women’s Ministry

Our Vision

To support the mission and strategy of Evergreen PCA by encouraging and equipping Evergreen’s women to live wholly devoted to the LORD Jesus. “Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will…”

Our Mission

To help Christian women appreciate the manifold areas of service that are open to them in the church, and to equip them distinctively as women to fulfill their ministry.
“And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds, and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry for building up the body of Christ. . .”

Women's Bible Study

We have two Bible studies for women — Tuesdays, 9:00-10:30am and Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm.  Details can be found on our Events page. 

The Wednesday night group is finishing the study of “Face to Face with Jesus,” by R.C. Sproul, as he looks at what Scripture reveals about the character of Jesus through His encounters with specific men and women.
The Tuesday Morning group is starting a 10-session, verse-by-verse study of 1, 2, and 3 John by Jen Wilkin who will help us discover how the apostle John’s words challenge us to recall our great salvation and to abide in truth.
All ladies are invited to join us to dig into scripture, discuss, and pray. To sign up, contact the church office.

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Women's Zoom

Our Women’s Book Club meets Monday mornings at 10:30 am via Zoom.  

Our book club is reading the Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin. All ladies are invited to join us on Monday mornings at 10:30 am via Zoom for book discussion and to encourage one another. This book club is ongoing, so you can sign-up anytime and join us using your computer, tablet, smart phone, Chromebook, or whatever works best for you. If you are interested in joining in or would like more information, contact the church office.